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API - application programming interface - allows software solutions to communicate with each other. It also defines the kinds of calls or requests that can be made, how to make them, the data formats that should be used, and the conventions to follow. 

PerfectGym system is growing very fast. We are developing new features on a daily basis, adapting to new markets and covering more and more business models. This is why, we introduce API v2, to be faster and more flexible. 

API v1 is being phased out. This means we are no longer developing it and you cannot build new integrations based on API v1. You have until October 1, 2023 to migrate.

API v2 has versions (eg. v2.0 v2.1). We recommend to use the newest available version. For more details read here.

API fundamentals

API references

A preview of available endpoints and functionalities are available:

  • on Presentation instance: API - references 
  • for your particular company under https://your-company.perfectgym.pl/Api/Docs/ApiReference/.

API versions are independent of Perfect Gym system version numbers. As a result, you might use the newest version of API but not be able to use the full potential of the new endpoints due to the fact that your company hasn't been updated to the early adopter version yet.

API Guides


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